Miyazaki Bus Schedule

Miyazaki City and Prefecture Bus Schedule

Google Maps does not have the newest timetables for Miyazaki City busses in 2023. I have confirmed the times to be often wrong. Buses in the City and prefecture are all operated by Miyazaki Kotsu (Miyakoh).

Check Miyazaki Bus Routes online

For correct times we recommend the following apps.

  1. Japan Official Travel App
  2. Japan Travel by NAVITIME

Miyazaki Kotsu official websites are still in the process of being translated into english but listed below for completeness:

Miyako Miyazaki Bus English Website
Miyako Japanese Bus Schedule Website

How to use the bus:

Miyazaki City offers a one day bus pass for foreign tourists

Without the bus pass, payment works the following way:

If you have more questions, do not hesitate to ask the designated tourist information desk at Miyazaki Station.